Bois le Duc pub. Hondius 1630.
Often called 'Donis' from a misapprehension of the title 'Donnus' or 'Donus' an abbreviated form of 'Dominus.
A fifteenth-century cartographer, place of birth, and date of birth and death unknown. The first allusion to him of authentic date is an injunction of Duke Borso d'Este (15 March, 1466) to his referendary and privy counselor, Ludovico Casella, at Ferrara, to have the 'Cosmographia of Don Nicolò' thoroughly examined and then to determine a recompense for it. The duke, on the thirtieth of the same month, called upon his treasurers for 100 florins in gold 'to remit as a mark of his appreciation to Donnus Nicolaus Germanus for his excellent book entitled 'Cosmographia''. On 8 April, 1466, the duke again drew thirty golden florins to present to the Rev. Nicolaus, who 'in addition to that excellent Cosmography' (ultra illud excellens Cosmographie opus) had dedicated to the duke a calendar made to cover many years to come ('librum tacuini multorum annorum'). The 'Cosmographia' as preserved in the Biblioth...
FISCHER, Nicolaus Germanus in Entdeckungen der Normannen in Amerika (Freiburg, 1902), 75-90, 113 sqq. (Eng. tr., London, 1903), 72-86, 108 sqq.
Född 1759.
Fransk kartograf. Han betecknar sig som elev till hydrografen och ingenjören Rigobert Bonne (se denne). 1806 gav han ut atlasbandet till P.C.V. Boistes (se denne) 'Dictionnaire de géographie universelle'.
Amiral Häggs flaggkarta. - Stockholm 1888.
Rölleka, Achillea millefolium - Lindman, C. A. M, Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1917-26.
Förkortningar av kartografer använda av Olof Rudbeck i "Atlantica".
"Olf Rudbeks Atland eller Manheim 1675" (sidor från Nelson, Axel upplaga 2939)
Sid 97.
[Blau Atlant
Vol. 2. f. I
fol. 3. fol. 25.
Piscat: Tab
Cluv. Germ
Sid 98.
[Blau Atlant Vol 1 orb.terr
Orb.Ant f. 1. Vol. 1
Vol. 2. f. I
Hindrik Donkerz Tab 3
Theunis Jacobson
Lucas Vagenar in Marg. not:
Johan von Loon.]
Sid 100.
[Blavii Atlas Vol 2.fol 1
fol 3
Sanson de Abbeville