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Norsk litograf. Han startade på 1850-talet en litografisk byrå som nämns fram till år 1882. 1859 gav han ut en 'Godtkjöbs-Atlas' som senare kom i flera utgåvor. Från hans byrå stammar en mängd kartor av olika slag, stadskartor, väg- och järnvägskartor, fickkartor m.m. Av hans arbeten kan nämnas 'Detailkart i 74 Blade over Christiania' (1880).

Bland arbeten.
Detailkart i 74 Blade over Christiania.



Engelsk kartförläggare i mitten av 1700-talet. Han gav troligen inte ut någon hel atlas, men däremot en rad enkla kartor. 1753 gav John Bowles & Son ut 'A catalogue of Maps, Prints, Copy-Books, etc. '

Bland arbeten.
A catalogue of Maps, Prints, Copy-Books, etc.

Brown, s. 354. - Tooley.

Dupuy de Bordes, Henri-Sébastien

Bland arbeten.
Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire universel raisonné des connaissances humaines.

Gulddistriktet Klondike - ca 1897.

'Marine, Dessein d'une Galere ā la Rame nommée la Réale'. - Yverdonencyklopedin.

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Covens et Mortier

Biografiska uppgifter:1721 - ca 1862.
The Amsterdam publishing firm of Covens and Mortier (1721 - c. 1862) was the successor to the extensive publishing empire built by Frenchman Pierre Mortier (1661 - 1711). Upon Mortier's death in 1711 his firm was taken over by his son, Cornelius Mortier (1699 - 1783). Cornelius married the sister of Johannes Covens (1697 - 1774) in 1821 and, partnering with his brother in law, established the Covens and Mortier firm. Under the Covens and Mortier imprint, Cornelius and Pierre republished the works of the great 17th and early 18th century Dutch and French cartographers De L'Isle, Allard, Jansson, De Wit, and Ottens among others. They quickly became one of the largest and most prolific Dutch publishing concerns of the 18th century. The firm and its successors published thousands of maps over a 120 year period from 1721 to the mid-1800s. During their long lifespan the Covens and Mortier firm published as Covens and Mortier (1721-1778), J. Covens and Son (1778 - 94) and Mortier, Covens and Son (1794 - c. 1862)

Under the heading Pieter Mortier we give some details of the extensive publishing business which he built up in Amsterdam and which, after his death, was subsequently taken over by his son, the above-named Cornelis. In 1721 Cornelis married the sister of Johannes Covens and in the same year he and Johannes entered into partnership as publishers under the name Covens and Mortier which, with its successors, became one of the most important firms in the Dutch map publishing business.
Their prolific Output over the years included reissues of general atlases by Sanson, Jaillot, Delisle, Visscher, de Wit (whose stock they acquired) and others (often with re-engraved maps), atlases of particular countries including Germany, England and Scotland and others in Europe, pocket atlases, town plans and, from about 1730 onwards, a series under the title Nieuwe Atlas, some consisting of as many as 900 maps by various cartographers and publishers. As there is no conformity about these volumes they were presumably made up to special order and only general details of publication can be quoted in a work of this size.

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